2.8. @aiomisc.asyncbackoff#

asyncbackoff it’s a decorator that helps you guarantee maximal async function execution and retrying policy.

The main principle might be described in five rules:

  • function will be canceled when executed longer than deadline (if specified)

  • function will be canceled when executed longer than attempt_timeout (if specified) and will be retried

  • Reattempts performs after pause seconds (if specified, default is 0)

  • Reattempts will be performed not more than max_tries times.

  • giveup argument is a function that decides should give up the reattempts or continue retrying.

All these rules work at the same time.

Arguments description:

  • attempt_timeout is maximum execution time for one execution attempt.

  • deadline is maximum execution time for all execution attempts.

  • pause is the time gap between execution attempts.

  • exceptions retrying when these exceptions were raised.

  • giveup (keyword only) is a predicate function that can decide by a given exception if we should continue to do retries.

  • max_tries (keyword only) is maximum count of execution attempts (>= 1).

Decorator that ensures that attempt_timeout and deadline time limits are met by decorated function.

In case of exception, the function will be called again with similar arguments after pause seconds.

Position arguments notation:

import aiomisc

attempt_timeout = 0.1
deadline = 1
pause = 0.1

@aiomisc.asyncbackoff(attempt_timeout, deadline, pause)
async def db_fetch():

@aiomisc.asyncbackoff(0.1, 1, 0.1)
async def db_save(data: dict):

# Passing exceptions for handling
@aiomisc.asyncbackoff(0.1, 1, 0.1, TypeError, RuntimeError, ValueError)
async def db_fetch(data: dict):

Keyword arguments notation:

import aiomisc

attempt_timeout = 0.1
deadline = 1
pause = 0.1

                      deadline=deadline, pause=pause)
async def db_fetch():

@aiomisc.asyncbackoff(attempt_timeout=0.1, deadline=1, pause=0.1)
async def db_save(data: dict):

# Passing exceptions for handling
@aiomisc.asyncbackoff(attempt_timeout=0.1, deadline=1, pause=0.1,
                      exceptions=[TypeError, RuntimeError, ValueError])
async def db_fetch(data: dict):

# Will be retried no more than 2 times (3 tries total)
@aiomisc.asyncbackoff(attempt_timeout=0.5, deadline=1,
                      pause=0.1, max_tries=3,
                      exceptions=[TypeError, RuntimeError, ValueError])
async def db_fetch(data: dict):

# Will be retried only on connection abort (on POSIX systems)
@asyncbackoff(attempt_timeout=0.5, deadline=1, pause=0.1,
              giveup=lambda e: e.errno != errno.ECONNABORTED)
async def db_fetch(data: dict):

2.9. asyncretry#

Shortcut of asyncbackoff(None, None, 0, *args, **kwargs). Just retries max_tries times.


By default will be retry when any Exception. It’s very simple and useful in generic cases, but you should specify an exception list when you’re wrapped functions calling hundreds of times per second, cause you have a risk be the reason for denial of service in case your function calls remote service.

from aiomisc import asyncretry

async def try_download_file(url):

@asyncretry(3, exceptions=(ConnectionError,))
async def get_cluster_lock():