2.20. Signal#

You can register async callback functions for specific events of an entrypoint.

2.20.1. pre_start#

pre_start signal occurs on entrypoint starting up before any service has started.

from aiomisc import entrypoint, receiver

async def prepare_database(entrypoint, services):

with entrypoint() as loop:

2.20.2. post_start#

post_start signal occurs next entrypoint starting up after all services have been started.

from aiomisc import entrypoint, receiver

async def startup_notifier(entrypoint, services):

with entrypoint() as loop:

2.20.3. pre_stop#

pre_stop signal occurs on entrypoint shutdown before any service have been stopped.

from aiomisc import entrypoint, receiver

async def shutdown_notifier(entrypoint):

with entrypoint() as loop:

2.20.4. post_stop#

post_stop signal occurs on entrypoint shutdown after all services have been stopped.

from aiomisc import entrypoint, receiver

async def cleanup(entrypoint):

with entrypoint() as loop: