Source code for aiomisc.backoff

import asyncio
import sys
from functools import wraps
from typing import (
    Any, Callable, Coroutine, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union,

from .counters import Statistic
from .timeout import timeout

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    from typing import ParamSpec
    from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

Number = Union[int, float]
T = TypeVar("T")
P = ParamSpec("P")

[docs]class BackoffStatistic(Statistic): done: int attempts: int cancels: int errors: int sum_time: float
[docs]class RetryStatistic(BackoffStatistic): pass
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]def asyncbackoff( attempt_timeout: Optional[Number], deadline: Optional[Number], pause: Number = 0, *exc: Type[Exception], exceptions: Tuple[Type[Exception], ...] = (), max_tries: Optional[int] = None, giveup: Optional[Callable[[Exception], bool]] = None, statistic_name: Optional[str] = None, statistic_class: Type[BackoffStatistic] = BackoffStatistic, ) -> Callable[ [Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, T]]], Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, T]], ]: """ Patametric decorator that ensures that ``attempt_timeout`` and ``deadline`` time limits are met by decorated function. In case of exception function will be called again with similar arguments after ``pause`` seconds. :param statistic_name: name filed for statistic instances :param attempt_timeout: is maximum execution time for one execution attempt. :param deadline: is maximum execution time for all execution attempts. :param pause: is time gap between execution attempts. :param exc: retrying when this exceptions was raised. :param exceptions: similar as exc but keyword only. :param max_tries: is maximum count of execution attempts (>= 1). :param giveup: is a predicate function which can decide by a given :param statistic_class: statistic class """ exceptions = exc + tuple(exceptions) statistic = statistic_class(statistic_name) if not pause: pause = 0 elif pause < 0: raise ValueError("'pause' must be positive") if attempt_timeout is not None and attempt_timeout < 0: raise ValueError("'attempt_timeout' must be positive or None") if deadline is not None and deadline < 0: raise ValueError("'deadline' must be positive or None") if max_tries is not None and max_tries < 1: raise ValueError("'max_retries' must be >= 1 or None") if giveup is not None and not callable(giveup): raise ValueError("'giveup' must be a callable or None") exceptions = tuple(exceptions) or () exceptions += asyncio.TimeoutError, def decorator( func: Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, T]] ) -> Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, T]]: if attempt_timeout is not None: func = timeout(attempt_timeout)(func) @wraps(func) async def wrap(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: last_exc = None tries = 0 async def run() -> Any: nonlocal last_exc, tries loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() while True: statistic.attempts += 1 tries += 1 delta = -loop.time() try: return await asyncio.wait_for( func(*args, **kwargs), timeout=attempt_timeout, ) except asyncio.CancelledError: statistic.cancels += 1 raise except exceptions as e: statistic.errors += 1 last_exc = e if max_tries is not None and tries >= max_tries: raise if giveup and giveup(e): raise await asyncio.sleep(pause) except Exception as e: last_exc = e raise finally: delta += loop.time() statistic.sum_time += delta statistic.done += 1 try: return await asyncio.wait_for(run(), timeout=deadline) except Exception: if last_exc: raise last_exc raise return wrap return decorator
[docs]def asyncretry( max_tries: Optional[int], exceptions: Tuple[Type[Exception], ...] = (Exception,), pause: Number = 0, giveup: Optional[Callable[[Exception], bool]] = None, statistic_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Callable[ [Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, T]]], Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, T]], ]: """ Shortcut of ``asyncbackoff(None, None, 0, Exception)``. In case of exception function will be called again with similar arguments after ``pause`` seconds. :param max_tries: is maximum count of execution attempts (>= 1 or ``None`` means infinity). :param exceptions: similar as exc but keyword only. :param giveup: is a predicate function which can decide by a given :param pause: is time gap between execution attempts. :param statistic_name: name filed for statistic instances """ return asyncbackoff( attempt_timeout=None, deadline=None, exceptions=exceptions, giveup=giveup, max_tries=max_tries, pause=pause, statistic_class=RetryStatistic, statistic_name=statistic_name, )