Source code for aiomisc.pool

import asyncio
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from random import random
from typing import (
    Any, AsyncContextManager, Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine, DefaultDict,
    Generic, NoReturn, Optional, Set, TypeVar, Union,

from .compat import EventLoopMixin
from .utils import cancel_tasks

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Any)
Number = Union[int, float]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ContextManager(AsyncContextManager): __slots__ = "__aenter", "__aexit", "__instance" sentinel = object() def __init__( self, aenter: Callable[..., Awaitable[T]], aexit: Callable[..., Awaitable[T]], ): self.__aenter = aenter self.__aexit = aexit self.__instance = self.sentinel async def __aenter__(self) -> T: if self.__instance is not self.sentinel: raise RuntimeError("Reuse of context manager is not acceptable") self.__instance = await self.__aenter() return self.__instance async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, traceback: Any, ) -> Any: await self.__aexit(self.__instance)
[docs]class PoolBase(ABC, EventLoopMixin, Generic[T]): __slots__ = ( "_create_lock", "_instances", "_recycle", "_recycle_bin", "_recycle_times", "_semaphore", "_tasks", "_len", "_used", ) + EventLoopMixin.__slots__ _tasks: Set[Any] _used: Set[Any] _instances: asyncio.Queue _recycle_bin: asyncio.Queue def __init__(self, maxsize: int = 10, recycle: Optional[int] = None): assert ( recycle is None or recycle > 0 ), "recycle should be positive number or None" self._instances = asyncio.Queue() self._recycle_bin = asyncio.Queue() self._semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(maxsize) self._len = 0 self._recycle = recycle self._tasks = set() self._used = set() self._create_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._recycle_times: DefaultDict[float, Any] = defaultdict( self.loop.time, ) self.__create_task(self.__recycler()) def __create_task(self, coro: Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]) -> asyncio.Task: task = self.loop.create_task(coro) self._tasks.add(task) task.add_done_callback(self._tasks.discard) return task async def __recycler(self) -> NoReturn: while True: instance = await self._recycle_bin.get() try: await self._destroy_instance(instance) except Exception: log.exception("Error when recycle instance %r", instance) finally: self._recycle_bin.task_done() @abstractmethod async def _create_instance(self) -> T: pass @abstractmethod async def _destroy_instance(self, instance: Any) -> None: pass # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyUnusedLocal @abstractmethod async def _check_instance(self, instance: Any) -> bool: return True def __len__(self) -> int: return self._len def __recycle_instance(self, instance: Any) -> None: self._len -= 1 self._semaphore.release() if instance in self._recycle_times: self._recycle_times.pop(instance) if instance in self._used: self._used.discard(instance) self._recycle_bin.put_nowait(instance) async def __create_new_instance(self) -> None: await self._semaphore.acquire() instance: Any = await self._create_instance() self._len += 1 if self._recycle: deadline = self._recycle * (1 + random()) self._recycle_times[instance] += deadline await self._instances.put(instance) async def __acquire(self) -> T: if not self._semaphore.locked(): await self.__create_new_instance() instance = await self._instances.get() try: result = await self._check_instance(instance) except Exception: log.exception("Check instance %r failed", instance) self.__recycle_instance(instance) else: if not result: self.__recycle_instance(instance) return await self.__acquire() self._used.add(instance) return instance async def __release(self, instance: Any) -> None: self._used.discard(instance) if self._recycle and self._recycle_times[instance] < self.loop.time(): self.__recycle_instance(instance) return self._instances.put_nowait(instance)
[docs] def acquire(self) -> AsyncContextManager[T]: return ContextManager(self.__acquire, self.__release)
[docs] async def close(self, timeout: Optional[Number] = None) -> None: instances = list(self._used) self._used.clear() while self._instances.qsize(): try: instances.append(self._instances.get_nowait()) except asyncio.QueueEmpty: break async def log_exception(coro: Awaitable[Any]) -> None: try: await coro except Exception: log.exception("Exception when task execution") await asyncio.wait_for( asyncio.gather( *[ self.__create_task( log_exception(self._destroy_instance(instance)), ) for instance in instances ], return_exceptions=True, ), timeout=timeout, ) await cancel_tasks(self._tasks)